Case Management
Losing your vision can be a challenging experience, but you don't have to go through it alone. Our Caseworker is here to provide personalized guidance and support throughout your journey. She'll work closely with you to develop a plan that fits your unique needs and recommend additional resources to help ensure you have the information and tools to lead a rich, independent life.
Information & Referrals
We recognize that the needs of our clients may exceed available resources or be outside the scope of services we can offer. For this reason, we have developed cooperative relationships with many other nonprofits and government agencies that may be able to help when we cannot. Our caseworker is available to provide information and referrals to alternate sources of support for individuals who need further assistance.
Examples of Potential Referrals include:
The Bureau of Blindness and Visual Services
The Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
Philadelphia VA Medical Center
Lions Club International and Local Chapter
Bucks County Area Agency on Aging
Bucks County Transport
Bucks County Assistance Program
Bucks County Housing Authority
Bucks County Association for the Blind
and Visually Impaired (BCABVI)
400 Freedom Drive
Newtown, PA 18940
Main Number: 215.968.9400
Low Vision Clinic: 215.968.1035