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Rehabilitation Services

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Assistive Technology Training with Client

Assistive Technology Training

Assistive Technology (AT) Training allows our clients experiencing vision loss the ability to improve and maintain their everyday living skills by utilizing software and devices adapted for the blind and visually impaired.

How does AT Training help me?

  • Discover what tools are available to help overcome challenges with vision loss

  • Tasks for which you may have needed assistance can now be completed independently using recommended technology

  • Empower you to more easily access online information

  • Training and recommendations for software and devices that fit your needs.


Low Vision Therapy Training

Our Low Vision Therapy (LVT) training helps determine how a person's visual impairment impacts daily living skills. Our occupational therapist (OT) certified in low vision therapy (LVT) works one-on-one with clients to modify tasks and the environment to remove barriers and improve independence.

How does LVT Training help me?

  • Establishes a home environment that encourages independence and self-reliance

  • Learn tools and techniques to engage in your environment despite vision loss

  • Improves confidence and ability to live safely in your home


Client with certified occupational therapist/low vision therapist at client's home.
White cane training with client
BCABVI Orientation and Mobility Training

Orientation and Mobility Training

Orientation & Mobility (O&M) Training teaches safe and effective travel skills to people who are blind and visually impaired. The skills taught will help an individual travel safely in their community.

How does O&M Training help me?

  • Walk or climb stairs without tripping or falling

  • Cross streets safely

  • Navigate your home and community

  • Refresh skills from previous training


Bucks County Association for the Blind

and Visually Impaired (BCABVI)

400 Freedom Drive

Newtown, PA 18940

Main Number: 215.968.9400

Low Vision Clinic: 215.968.1035

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Opening Hours:

Monday - Friday 8 am to 4 pm


Device that reads print
Contact us today!  215.968.9400
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